Frequently Asked Questions

What will each day look like?
Each day, we’ll get up, pack our stuff on the bus, and head to do a service project in that city. We’ll serve there most of the day (through lunch). Then we’ll hop on the bus and head to the next city (4-8 hour bus ride), with time to explore and eat dinner once we arrive. Each night will be filled with different team building activities and exercises meant to bring the students closer to each other. The same cycle continues for each day! We’ll be able to spend two days in the celebration city with more time to explore the city. The two buses will complete a service project together in the celebration city.
What does the cost include?
The cost includes the bus rental, bus driver housing, housing for the week, two meals each day (you will be responsible for one meal each day), snacks, and a t-shirt.
Do both buses go to the same cities?
No! There are two buses that will each go to different cities along the way. Both buses will end up at the same celebration city. where we’ll do one big service project all together. There will also be opportunities for each bus to share their different experiences during the week.
Where will we sleep?
We’ll be sleeping in churches, schools, and community centers in the cities we’re visiting. In most cases, you’ll be sleeping on the floor, so be sure to bring a sleeping bag (or something more comfortable) to sleep on.
What will I need to bring?
You will be provided with a full packing list before the trip leaves that will list everything needed for the week.
Can I invite my friends? What if they don’t go to ISU?
Absolutely! Invite anyone who you think might be interested in serving over Spring Break! If they don’t go to ISU, but their Spring Break is the same week’s as ISU – they are welcome to join this trip! We only ask that participants are over the age of 18 (no high school students).
Can I pick which route I go on?
Yes! Check out the cities listed for each route. If there is a route that you prefer, you can designate that route when you register. If one of your friends is going on a certain route, you can sign up for the same one!
How do I register?
You can visit the Sign Up page to register! Simply fill out the information listed on the form and submit your $200 deposit – and you are good to go!
What if I have class on Friday, March 4th?
We can give you a letter that you can give to your professor to let him / her know why you will be missing class to leave for The Long Haul that morning. In the past, professors have been very understanding of the opportunity!
What kind of service projects will we be doing in each city?
Each service project will be different, and will be unique to the needs of that particular city. You will be able to experience a wide variety of service opportunities. Some examples include: hurricane relief, planting a garden, painting a home, working with an animal shelter, coral reef restoration, working at an elderly home, etc.
I have other questions not listed here. Who can I contact?
You can contact to answer any additional questions you might have! Don’t hesitate to reach out.